Are you using an emacs based email client like mu4e or gnus? What (if
anything) do you use to manage contact information now i.e. BBDB, Asking as
I am aware that some email clients have support for vcard processing and
some contact managers also have support for vcard (i.e. bbdb), so
initial processing may be easier from witin the mail client (new
versions of mu4e are moving to use gnus as the message view mode, which
has some advantced functions for dealing with vcard and ical

There is also an org-vcard module, but last time I tried using this, I
encountered some problems (can't remember what they were now - it was a
while back, but it may have only support older vcard versions).

Jude DaShiell <> writes:

> I have one email message with several .vcf file attachments.  Has orgmode
> got any tool or tools I can use to import contacts from such a message
> into an orgmode table?

Tim Cross

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