* Tim Cross <theophil...@gmail.com> [2019-08-02 23:26]:
> I tried gnus some time ago and use to use it when I read
> newsgroups. While I find it to be an extremely powerful and capable
> package, I never got comfortable with using it for mail. I once used VM
> and then mew, but now mu4e, which I think is fantastic. Part of what I
> like about it is the nice workflow I have with org-mode.

mu4e is good maybe for small usage, it does not scale up[1]. With
47783 maildir folders it cannot cope. It is unusable. 

A concept to read maildirs from a database is not good one. Database
index is for searching. Maildirs shall be read directly based upon the

Package `maildir' is much faster to read maildirs.

A search with `mu' can symlink found emails into specific folder and
`maildir' package can quickly read such folder. That is about the `mu'

Nothing beats `mutt'[2] for reading emails.


[1]  https://github.com/djcb/mu/issues/1440
[2]  https://www.mutt.org

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