Hi Sebastian,

> From: Sebastian Miele
> Subject:      Re: [O] [RFC] Document level property drawer
> Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2019 12:38:12 +0000

> ...

> I would like to be able to make a clear distinction between properties
> that are visible by default and properties that are not. Maybe it would
> be possible to allow some #+.. syntax following headings for subtree
> properties that are visible by default. A requirement could be made that
> such property specifications always have to be followed by a property
> drawer, even if that is empty. Then everything #+.. that is before the
> property drawer would belong to the heading/subtree, and everything #+..
> that follows the drawer would be treated as it is until now.

That maps quite well to what I also had in mind initially. What I
called "Document property keywords" in [fn:1]:

  I propose to allow properties to be defined also as document
  property keywords. All keywords in the top of a buffer, before any
  non-comment line, are document-level keywords. In effect, they are
  properties that apply in exactly the same way as properties defined
  in the property drawer. The only reason for using a document keyword
  instead of defining it inside the property drawer is to make it more
  visible. One example would be the title-keyword (#+TITLE: ...).

Although I didn't think of generalizing it to also work for the
outline nodes. Something that makes sense to do though, given the use
case you describe!

[fn:1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2019-06/msg00000.html


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