
I'll start with the most important info at the top. I've applied the
patch! But before anyone comes screaming I'll just say it's applied on
a separate branch. After consultation with Nicolas Goaziou that was
seen as the most reasonable thing to do. The idea is that it's high
time to start wrapping up 9.3 for a release and (even though I
personally would like to have this in there) since this patch might
continue to generate discussion and possibly bugs and fixes it's more
safe to let this come after the 9.3 release.

Sooo, a separate branch is created in the Org mode repository named
"next". I'm not entirely sure how we're supposed to work with it. But
I've anyways pushed my (non-breaking) patch there.

Comments on what you've written below!

Marco Wahl writes:

> > @Marco Wahl; As I understand you've applied the patch and tried it
> > out. Have you found any issues yet? What do you think of the patch
> > after having used it for a while?
> Indeed I applied your patch and have it applied still.  Please note that
> I did nothing fancy and in particular I did not try to break the patch.

Got it.

> The patch works good for me.

Nice to hear!

> Noteworthy observations AFAICT:
> 1. I could not translate my personal "#+TODO: . N ~ | x c g >" into a
> respective :TODO: property.

Yes, that's true. The reason is that there is no TODO-property that
fits in property drawers right now. I.e. special properties such as
TODO, TAGS, priority, scheduling and deadlines that have special
syntax for the outline still have no defined meaning for outline level
0. I ofc. think that's an oversight ;) But I may also be a bit crazy. 

A conclusion to draw from that, that may be worth writing more about,
is that the property drawer for node level 0 will not be able to
replace all file-level keywords that exist today.  Only properties that
currently can also be defined in property drawers in the outline will
work in the property drawer on level 0.  Makes sense?

The idea I had for all the other keywords that apply for the whole
file was to create another drawer, what I called a settings drawer.
Because the TODO-keyword you refer to above really is a setting that
you're making for the current file, much the same as when you make
changes in global, folder local or file local variables using the
standard emacs framework.

I've attached an investigation I did of the world of Org mode
keywords. It was done quite a while back and some things in there are
subjective and may not represent my current picture of the "ideal".
Nonetheless, maybe an interesting read for the ... other crazy people
out there?

> 2. With org-ids turned on and point before the first heading, function
> org-store-link creates an org-id property at the document level.
> Regarding number 1. I think a list of document-level properties which
> don't behave the same when used in the document property drawer would be
> nice.  Ideally this list is empty AFAICT.  Maybe I overlook something.
> Is this an issue?

Ahh, see the attachment ;) Maybe can give answers to some of your

> I think observation 2. is just a little surprise but turns out to be
> natural when the document level property drawer is enabled.

Glad to hear!

> Still +1 for the inclusion of the patch and HTH,
> -- 


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