So, the only problem that you have, as far as I can tell, is that Emacs doesn't distinguish paragraphs by a single newline character but requires 2 instead? For me, a blank line between paragraphs is very useful to visually identify new paragraphs (or demi-paragraphs).
For writing and for intra-paragraph navigation, what is necessary beyond visual-line-mode, next-line (C-n, <down>), forward-word (M-f), forward sentence (M-e), and forward-paragraph (M-}), and equivalent for opposite direction? (Okay, maybe a few others like begin/end of line, paging up and down, etc.) What does spacemacs provide that vanilla Emacs does not? (I've never used spacemacs so please excuse my ignorance.) -- : Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.50, Org release_9.3.2-233-gc2bc48