No, I just didn't repeat everything.

A blank line is useful, yes. Use of demi-paragraphs implies use of
line breaks to signal stronger transitions. E.g., from my recent

turning the mic off/on manually also causes a pop
so would need to pause recording first
simpler to just leave the mic on then
fair enough.
[2020-02-05 Wed 08:47]

seems I'm suffering from electet mic pop
which can be solved by adding a capacitor and resistor to the circuit?
[2020-02-05 Wed 08:52]
pop-free microphone switch

could sample out the sound in audacity easily

Single line breaks allow preservation of the chronological sequence of
thoughts, which is useful for e.g. debugging false assumptions.

The above was a simple example with short lines. But if they were long
and complex, vanilla Emac's defaults would make paragraph navigation

> For writing and for intra-paragraph navigation, what is necessary beyond 
> visual-line-mode, next-line (C-n, <down>), forward-word (M-f), forward 
> sentence (M-e), and forward-paragraph (M-}), and equivalent for opposite 
> direction?

What vanilla Emacs Org default visual-line-mode is missing for
informal prose notes:
- recognize sentences with a single space after terminal punctuation
- word wrap
- more line spacing and a variable pitch font
- denote single line breaks with the absence of continuation marks, as
truncate lines nil does
- C-a/e begin/end of line should still operate on logical lines.

It's easier to achieve the last two points without visual line mode,
since line-move-visual is t by default. Toggling truncation off is

visual-line-mode's minor luxury of slightly easier navigation to
arbitrary visual line endpoints doesn't compensate for loss of the
critical ability to identify logical lines with single line breaks,
and the loss of keybinds for quick navigation to their endpoints.

On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 7:17 PM Fraga, Eric <> wrote:
> So, the only problem that you have, as far as I can tell, is that Emacs
> doesn't distinguish paragraphs by a single newline character but
> requires 2 instead?  For me, a blank line between paragraphs is very
> useful to visually identify new paragraphs (or demi-paragraphs).
> For writing and for intra-paragraph navigation, what is necessary beyond
> visual-line-mode, next-line (C-n, <down>), forward-word (M-f), forward
> sentence (M-e), and forward-paragraph (M-}), and equivalent for opposite
> direction?  (Okay, maybe a few others like begin/end of line, paging up
> and down, etc.)  What does spacemacs provide that vanilla Emacs does
> not?  (I've never used spacemacs so please excuse my ignorance.)
> --
> : Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.50, Org release_9.3.2-233-gc2bc48

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