Hi Klaus,

MS Window <ms.win...@mailfence.com> writes:

> There is no explanation there I should put the configuration. The org-babel 
> documentation is too brief for me as beginner to understand.

First, save that file somewhere. Then, in your emacs config, add the
directory containing ob-powershell.el to the `load-path' variable using
the function `add-to-list' [0]. Then, load ob-powershell using
`require'. Finally, add powershell to `org-babel-load-languages'
[1]. Then you should be able to execute powershell babel blocks.

Hope that helps,

[0] https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/LoadPath
[1] https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages.html#configure

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