Damn straight it's "mature and appropriate"

MicroSoft has been found guilty of MANY crimes that set the software
industry back many years through serial acquisitions & monopolistic

Corporate immaturity, unfair and illegal practices have driven the rise of
the Free Software Foundation, Emacs & OrgMode

It's why were all here using OrgMode and supporting it--its ALL about
freedom and free and open source software

MicroSoft PowerShell is a participation in immaturity & stupidity

It's fashioned off of shells that really work rather than stripped down
nonsense that Gates stole and called his own--i.e. "quick and dirty
DOS"--which still works a little bit, on worthless machines enslaved by
MicroSoft products

Grow up: MicroSoft products are evil and enslaving

Now that said, I've used PowerShell; but, only when I had to--I strongly
suggest you do the same

On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 10:33 PM George Mauer <gma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Micro$loth WindBlows is a computer virus
> Well that's mature and appropriate.
> I recently did an implementation of `ob-pwsh` for supporting powershell
> core (it assumes there’s a pwsh command available on PATH though thats
> configurable with `org-babel-command:pws`). Here’s the link
> https://github.com/togakangaroo/ob-pwsh. Instructions for installing are
> in the README
> It works ok and even supports variables but was a 3 hour hack job, plenty
> of features missing. I hadn’t even announced it on this list before. The
> code is pretty small though - under 60 loc if you want to contribute to it,
> I’m game.
> I also saw this a while ago but haven’t really dug in
> https://old.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/dkz0n1/babel_with_powershell/?st=k5jqc8es&sh=b464c181
> Oh, and powershell is awesome. It’s 2020, we *should* have a runtime in
> our terminal (eshell somewhat does this and is pretty good because of it).
> One of the things that would be really nice to do some day would be some
> sort of conversion between powershell and lisp structures so that we could
> pass structured data as hashes and lists between languages - not just
> strings.
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 7:59 PM briangpowell . <briangpowel...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Micro$loth WindBlows is a computer virus
>> But if you must use Windows, suggest you use Cygwin and BASH and/or
>> EShell {the Emacs Shell}--you can do much more than PowerSh3ll
>> And Emacs & OrgMode work very nicely on Cygwin
>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 11:58 AM MS Window <ms.win...@mailfence.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> can you help me ? I want to use org-babel for Powershell scripting. I
>>> found this code chunk on the internet for customizing org-babel for
>>> Powershell on github:
>>> https://gist.github.com/cbilson/ae0d90d163be4d769f8a15ddb58292bc
>>> There is no explanation there I should put the configuration. The
>>> org-babel documentation is too brief for me as beginner to understand.
>>> Yours sincerely
>>> Claus Keller

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