Greg Minshall <> writes:

> two minor edits i might make to the first paragraph, 1) to make clear
> that #+name: names only one block, and 2) to (maybe?) simplify the
> latter part of the same paragraph, while, at the same time, trying to
> keep a strong mention of the distinction between =NAME= and
> =noweb-ref= at the top of the article.

Your proposal is an improvement, indeed. Thank you.

> additionally, i did some wordsmithing.  i've appended a diff, hopefully
> in a useful format (C-x C-v =); i'm not a git, git patch, expert.

Could you use "git format-patch" and use a proper commit message? You
may need to add TINYCHANGE at its end, if you haven't signed FSF papers

> i wonder if there might a place in this article to mention
> org-babel-expand-src-block (C-c C-v v)?  it is mentioned, tangentially,
> later in the manual (but i only came across it recently).

You are right, this is a serious omission in this part of the manual.
Would you want to document it?

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