Hi Bill,

I'm glad you found the example useful. I've been thinking myself of also 
un-hiding the header arguments, which I do find useful to have visible.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 4:04 AM William Denton <w...@pobox.com> wrote:
“On 3 June 2020, Diego Zamboni wrote:

> I use the config John mentioned and I like it - though I use different
> symbols. Here's my config if you want an example:
> https://github.com/zzamboni/dot-emacs/blob/master/init.org#source-code-blocks

Thanks for this. I used it for a while, and it looks great, but I decided I 
want to see the details on the begin_src line all the time. I do like using the 
⎡and ⎣ character nr prettify-symbols-ali stto replace #+begin_src and 
#+end_src and will keep those.

(My apologies for weirdness in that line---the Unicode threw things off and 
I can't get it back to normal.)

I'll refer to your configuration file when I move my init files into Org. It's 
a great example.

William Denton :: Toronto, Canada --- Listening to Art: 
https://www.miskatonic.org/ --- GHG.EARTH: https://ghg.earth/
Caveat lector. --- STAPLR: https://staplr.org/”

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