That would be very nice indeed.

From: Emacs-orgmode <> on behalf of 
TEC <>
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020 4:44:50 PM
To: org-mode-email <>
Subject: Shower thought: submit an IETF RFC to register Org as a MIME type

Hi everyone,

Prompted by the fact that Markdown is registered as a MIME type
(RFC7763) and perusing the MIME registration procedure (RFC6838),
I wonder if it may be possible to register Org as a MIME type?

There are a few parts of RFC6838 in particular which give me hope,
> [§4.9] universal support and implementation of a media type are
> NOT a
> requirement for registration.

I'm guessing the main barrier wold be a the lack of a published
specification --- I'm guessing a complete version of published under the
site (i.e. would be required.

Looking for other uses of the .org extension, there doesn't seem
to be
much. The main result is from "Lotus Organiser", which seems to be
(discontinued) PIM from IBM which used .org as its file type in
the 1992
release. Other than that it seems that Yamaha and SoundBlaster
have used
it as an extension for organ audio samples.

If it does seem possible to have text/org formally added as a mime
I would love to push this.

Please let me know what you think.

All the best,


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