Dear Bastien,

thank you - I know that. The problem seems to be that in the odt-file
all lists, as well as all "normal" text share the same format. In my
German version of LibreOffice it is called "Textkörper".
So, if I modify that format in a ODT_STYLES_FILE it changes all the
"normal" text, not only the lists.
If I were able to assign a different format to lists, then your proposal
would be the optimal solution. Until now I did not find out, how to
assign such a different format to lists.

Why do I use lists at all? It is, because they offer a hierarchical way
of description, but, contrary to headings and subheadings, after the end
of a list, you jump to the same level as before the list. Instead with
headings and subheadings I think, I can go back to the level at the
beginning only by inserting a new (sub)heading of the desired level.
Maybe I am missing some alternative.

best regards,


Bastien wrote/hat geschrieben on/am 05.09.2020 10:25:
Hi Heinz,

Heinz Tuechler <> writes:

Modifying it from within LibreOffice would mean to change every list by

You can also create a dedicated ODT style and use it from within your
Org file -- see "Applying custom styles: the easy way" in the manual:

 To apply an ODT style to a particular file, use the
 ‘ODT_STYLES_FILE’ keyword as shown in the example below:

      #+ODT_STYLES_FILE: "/path/to/"


      #+ODT_STYLES_FILE: ("/path/to/" ("styles.xml" "image/hdr.png"))


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