Dear Bastien,

thank you for you for patience. It is a minor issue, still I try to
explain by an example (see below).
If the example below is exported to LibreOffice I am happy with all the
format, except the vertical spacing between list elements, which results
from the vertical space after each paragraph in the "Textkörper" format.
I could change this format, but that would affect all paragraphs, not
only the lists.

BTW, there is a convenient solution for Latex-export

best regards,


Example org file:
* example project
  This is an example project description ... more text.

  The motivation for this research resulted mainly from the following
clinical questions.
  - Is there a need for intense therapy?
    - cytostatic
    - transplantation
  - If yes, when should the therapy start?
    - immediately after diagnosis
    - at first signs of progression
    - after relapse

  Some of these questions were partially answered by Genius et al.,
2003 and ... more text.
** introduction
   The main purpose ... more text.
** material
   Data was contributed from ten centers ... more text.

   All data collection was done between 2010 and 2018. Informed consent
was obtained by each patient.

   The following inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied.
   - inclusion criteria
     - age > 16
     - stable disease for >= 2 months
     - etc.
   - exclusion criteria
     - other malignant disease
     - missing cytogenetics
     - etc.
   All inclusion criteria had to be fulfilled. No exclusion criterion
had to be fulfilled.
   A data review was performed by two coauthors (AB, TC).
** methods
   The following measures were used to describe relations:
   - for numeric data: Pearson correlation
   - for ordered data: Kendall's tau
   - for unordered data
     - dichotomous: odds ratio
     - polytomous: contingency coefficient
   As level of significance .05 was set. Hypotheses were defined
two-sided. In view of the exploratory nature of the study no adjustment
for multiple testing was applied.
** results
   The main result ... more text.

Bastien wrote/hat geschrieben on/am 05.09.2020 16:19:
Dear Heinz,

Heinz Tuechler <> writes:

thank you - I know that. The problem seems to be that in the odt-file
all lists, as well as all "normal" text share the same format. In my
German version of LibreOffice it is called "Textkörper".
So, if I modify that format in a ODT_STYLES_FILE it changes all the
"normal" text, not only the lists.
If I were able to assign a different format to lists, then your proposal
would be the optimal solution. Until now I did not find out, how to
assign such a different format to lists.

Perhaps you can send a feature request to the LibreOffice team?

Why do I use lists at all? It is, because they offer a hierarchical way
of description, but, contrary to headings and subheadings, after the end
of a list, you jump to the same level as before the list. Instead with
headings and subheadings I think, I can go back to the level at the
beginning only by inserting a new (sub)heading of the desired level.
Maybe I am missing some alternative.

Perhaps try M-RET in a heading or explore `org-adapt-indentation' (I'm
not sure I completely grok your need, hence the suggestions.)


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