TRS-80 <> writes:

> Therefore, any stuff I plan on releasing publicly, I do not do in
> literate style (JMHO).  However if you are dead set on doing literate
> paradigm, then maybe my experience is invalid for your use-case.

My experience is that literate style works very well for tutorials, but
whenever I developed a larger program within org-mode, I tangled it once
I had to start debugging and then kept it as separate source.

Once the code becomes complex, I want to stay in one programming
language without outside features that also add extra complexity.

That said, for simple code the additional freedom of multi-language
programming in org-mode is awesome. I’m using that to create random
roleplaying characters directly from random tables in org-mode, with
those tables being the primary source (because the book is the most
important product, not the code).

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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