
my take

> - Not possible to tangle all code going to a specified file

i'm not sure what this means.

> - Not possible to add line directives without major surgery

yes, that would be a problem (... if i were programming in,
e.g., C, etc., so *is* for other people).

> - Not all language modes do the correct thing

my *sense* here is that the level of standardization across different
babel languages in terms of which header arguments are supported, as
well as their meanings, is moderate.

one solution to this (which seems to have happened, at least to an
extent) is good per-language documentation of which header arguments are
supported, and what they mean within the context of the particular

harder would be agreement and implementation of some "core set" of
header arguments/semantics on which one could count, followed by a list
of per-langugage extensions, or followed by places where "we agree to
disagree", or some such?  anyway, a lot of work.

> - No way to prevent overwriting an unchanged file

yes, i too have a hack i use for this (and, it would be nice if there
were something 'out of the box' that did this).

> - Special casing e.g. Don=E2=80=99t tangle to a file called =E2=80=98no=E2=
> =80=99.

somewhere, some how, fonts were lost. :)

cheers, Greg

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