To all who argue that Org is too tightly coupled to Emacs to consider working 
with it outside of Emacs, I point to GitHub. The fact that GitHub natively 
renders Org files "well enough" is a huge benefit to those of us who use Org. 
It is also useful for gaining new users (assuming more users is a good thing).

Therefore, if other tools have the ability to do *something* with an Org file 
(display most of it well enough, allow editing without breaking things, maybe 
implementing a simple Babel interpreter for a few popular languages, whatever), 
this would be A Good Thing.

For example, I'd contribute more to Stack Exchange sites if I could answer 
using Org syntax rather than Markdown syntax. None of these 3rd party 
implementations need to be comprehensive or perfect, just as the GitHub 
renderer is neither complete nor perfect. But we all benefit from the GitHub 


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