Hi Everyone,

From the Org standardisation effort the idea of using Emacs as the
of an LSP server for Org has been mentioned a few times.

I thought this deserved it's own thread so here it is :)

I'm quite keen to investigate the viability of this idea.
Some key questions that I think need addressing are:
1. How can we 'package' Emacs into an LSP client?
2. Assuming we use some language as the basis for the host how do we
   want to pick it? LSP library? Lisp? Are there any outstanding
3. How much effort is involved? Is it worth it to try to make Org more
   approachable* (without Emacs)?

Lastly, but perhaps even more crucially --- who would be interested in working on this? I certainly am, but this feels like something that
would be more viable with a small working group.

Who's interested?


* I can't help but think that this hypothetical LSP server may serve as
 a 'gateway drug' to Org in Emacs 😉

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