I think maybe you might be thrown off by the word "server"? Lsp is just a
standardization of how an editor can do language-specific things. The fact
that standardization exists makes the whole thing pluggable by various
services. These typically run in a separate process - which is a good idea
anyways - on the same machine and the plugin just starts that prices and
communicated to it.

Typescript, c#, I think python, and JavaScript (and maybe Java?) plugins
already do this

On Sun, Dec 13, 2020, 14:34 Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> wrote:

> * TEC <tecos...@gmail.com> [2020-12-13 20:35]:
> > > From a perspective that some server has to know what user is writing
> > > it is advisable to use one own's servers. But if idea gets popular
> > > some company will commercialize it and centralize user's data and
> > > privacy is gone.
> >
> > FYI the nature of LSP (as I understand it) is that the "server" is a
> > locally running service that responds to signals from a "client" (code
> > editor / IDE).
> That is how it starts until corporation like Github or somebody else
> takes it over. Just look at Github pattern. Git was decentralized
> system that they centralized for 50 million developers and included
> eye candies that one cannot self-host as one wants.
> Jean

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