* Gustavo Barros <gusbrs.2...@gmail.com> [2020-11-14 00:12]:
> I'll answer, because I feel somewhat responsible for your upgrade. ;-)
> Since recently Org is set to respect Emacs' `eletric-indent-mode'.  If
> I'm not mistaken, it made to the 9.4 release, I presume that's what you
> are getting.
> You can find the Org News entry, and how to get the previous behavior
> back in:
> https://code.orgmode.org/bzg/org-mode/src/master/etc/ORG-NEWS#L323
> A couple of threads that might help understand the change and the
> reasoning behind it:
> https://orgmode.org/list/877dxpazbo.fsf...@gmail.com/
> https://orgmode.org/list/878sfbycip....@iki.fi/

Then I find it wrong for the following reason:

- when I am typing:

** New
   ^ cursor appears here and that is wrong.

*** More
    ^ cursor appears here

So that is wrong because I have started writing the line at position 0
and you are counting it after stars.

If somebody however writes like this:

    ** New

Then it would be alright to indent as:

    ** New

    - here list
    - more here

but it is not alright to do this:

** New

   - new 
   - new

As that does not align with that what electric-indent really does.

I hope you will revert back that change as it is very
disturbing. Thank you.


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