* Gustavo Barros <gusbrs.2...@gmail.com> [2020-11-14 00:12]:
> I'll answer, because I feel somewhat responsible for your upgrade. ;-)
> Since recently Org is set to respect Emacs' `eletric-indent-mode'.  If
> I'm not mistaken, it made to the 9.4 release, I presume that's what you
> are getting.
> You can find the Org News entry, and how to get the previous behavior
> back in:
> https://code.orgmode.org/bzg/org-mode/src/master/etc/ORG-NEWS#L323
> A couple of threads that might help understand the change and the
> reasoning behind it:
> https://orgmode.org/list/877dxpazbo.fsf...@gmail.com/
> https://orgmode.org/list/878sfbycip....@iki.fi/

I have seen discussion with very little reasoning. You are changing
default for many users and large subset of those users will not read
the NEWS. And now you are discovering that there are people who get
messed up with it. Is it really useful? So far I remember the
electric-indent-mode did work in Org mode without this anti-enhancement.

If user starts typing line like:

  Right here

Then user has decided that line begins at the letter R(ight).

And you are deciding for users that their line begin at letter (h)ere.

I did not see any reasoning why should programmer change the default
behavior of electric-indent into something untested by more than just
few people.

If such function is wanted by subset of users then make it optional
for those.

Introducing default that changes habits and gives more work to present
users is not useful.

Did you consider number of users who would now maybe need to introduce
local variable just to turn that off? Sorry that I do not find this
case reasonable.

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