* Texas Cyberthal <texas.cybert...@gmail.com> [2020-11-23 19:08]:
> Hi Jean,
> > I have tried your solution and could not find the mental concept to relate 
> > to my thinking.
> I forgot this inductive sorting skill must be learned gradually, like
> touch typing, at small scale before exomind conversion.

I find it entertaining for now. Now, what is exomind? 

> > Do we think of a tree of knowledge first? I do not think so. And there are 
> > memory systems that DO think of plethora of various things and increase 
> > human memory capabilities.
> Yes, Textmind becomes a mnemonic system.  The tree associates all
> one's info together, making explicit one's personal implicit
> prioritization of info.  Doing so systematically is only possible with
> computer plus user algorithm.

I do agree that various systems like 10 Bins for filing files by how
human thinks are useful. Only that "how human thinks" varies by
humans and not even humans may know how to explain how they think.

My concept is that I think what I want, like "I wish to see history of
interactions with this person" and then I click F3 or something, I can
see SMS, emails, if there were any negotiations, contracts, if there
are licenses submitted for partnership. That all has some practical
meanings. As for now and probably due to misunderstanding I cannot
find 10 Bin practical for me and this may be due to different way of

Could you give me reference describing how you would file:

- Contract signed between your company 123 and person ABC?

- Image on which there is only your family member, not you, which has
  its date?

- Image of you, with the date?

- Image without date in the file name and not embedded?

- Software git tree related to mailing things?

> > How human think -- is nowhere defined and is vague. Human thinks how they 
> > think and there may be as many versions as humans.
> The brain is plastic.  It adapts easily to sync with a Textmind tree.
> This tree's complete thought algorithm is an improvement over native
> thought pattern.  Computer and brain meet in the middle.  That is
> cognitive cyborg first stage.  Keyboard+screen is Brain-Computer
> Interface.

OK while I do try to adapt for now I do not find it easy. While I do
not adore hierarchies, file system is easier to adapt, as user can
just something like "Brother" and file it there.

It is entertaining as it sounds futuristic. But I do not know thought
algorithm, and what would be native thought pattern, and I would not
like to become cognitive cyborg, not in this stage of Emacs
development, as nobody likes to get killed. Maybe in some future when
I can load it into my personal memory and run on it even during sleep

Keyboards will soon expire, they partially already expired as billions
of people use computers without keyboards including that term
"computer" became dilluted and hidden so that people do not even know
they carry one or two in their pockets. Screen will expire
too. Keyboards will become sensitive lights and screens holograms.

> The other complete thought algorithm is Pubmind, for longform content.
> But it doesn't work without Textmind.

Need practical example.

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