* Texas Cyberthal <texas.cybert...@gmail.com> [2020-11-25 09:58]:
> Hi Jean,
> > Now, what is exomind?
> https://cyberthal-docs.nfshost.com/cyborganize/exomind/

How I like those thoughts. 

> Mind vs brain 
> Your brain is the squishy jelly between your ears. 
> Your mind is what disappears when that jelly gets shaken too hard by
> a punch.

There are those who die and come back and view things from above and
can think and use their mind even though brain was turned off

> Exomind — an individual's PIMS and the personal info it contains. One
> can wax philosophical about how far the exomind extends into situated
> cognition. Perhaps the Internet is a shared global exomind. Anyway,
> Cyborganize is a personal exomind.

I just get idea how exoskelet does that.

You also spoke of device, do you really mean physical device?

> What you described is not how you think, it is how you wish your CRM
> info retrieval system to perform conveniently.  Almost nobody has a
> formal thought algorithm, because brains have ADD compared to
> computers.

I cannot get it as I do not know what is ADD.

> If you have a huge number of incoming text of a special type, such
> as customer leads, who are just cogs that you don't genuinely
> ponder, then Textmind is the wrong tool for that job.  You need SME
> CRM software.

But I have M-x already that works.

Thank you for examples of file sorting with 10 Bins.

> https://cyberthal-docs.nfshost.com/cyborganize/pubmind/

Thank you, I was reading.

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