> When I do C-c a it runs (org-agenda) but I do not have "g" and I am on
> development version. The C-c a window is made so that I cannot go with
> cursor inside and that I cannot even expect the key map neither invoke
> command by M-x and I cannot even M-:

C-c a will first show so-called agenda dispatcher asking you what kind
of agenda view you want to get. You need to press a key according to
the popup window (i.e. `t' to see all not done items). Then, you will
get the proper agenda buffer with all the keymaps set and `g' bound to
refreshing the chosen agenda view in the buffer.

> All that is wrong and not aligned to Emacs common interface. It is bug
> that bugs. Agenda buffer should allow users those standard Emacs
> features.

I am wondering what is the common Emacs interface you refer to. I am not
aware about any standard way to prompt user while also showing detailed
description of what to expect from different choices.


Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> writes:

> * Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide <arne_...@web.de> [2020-11-25 11:14]:
>> Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> writes:
>> > * Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide <arne_...@web.de> [2020-11-24 21:48]:
>> >> 
>> >> Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> writes:
>> >> 
>> >> > Some people maybe access multiple Org files through Agenda, me I
>> >> > don't. Some items are "non existent" and I do not know how to ask
>> >> > agenda to refresh itself.
>> >> 
>> >> Simply press the letter g.
>> >
>> > What function is on g on your side?
>> (org-agenda-redo-all &optional EXHAUSTIVE)
> When I do C-c a it runs (org-agenda) but I do not have "g" and I am on
> development version. The C-c a window is made so that I cannot go with
> cursor inside and that I cannot even expect the key map neither invoke
> command by M-x and I cannot even M-:
> All that is wrong and not aligned to Emacs common interface. It is bug
> that bugs. Agenda buffer should allow users those standard Emacs
> features.
>> > Thank you. I have plan to switch anything action related to
>> > database system and use Org to view tasks, not to handle or store
>> > them.

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