* Eric S Fraga <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> [2020-11-24 12:46]:
> On Tuesday, 24 Nov 2020 at 12:00, Jean Louis wrote:
> > Can I automated the execution of Babel code upon opening of the Org
> > file?
> You can, by using file local variables.  For instance, for some files, I
> do this:
> #+begin_src org
>   ,* local variables                         :noexport:
>   # Local Variables:
>   # eval: (org-sbe "startup")
>   # End:
> #+end_src

I have got it to work as I had to name the source block. It does
evaluates and I get the result in the message buffer, but it does not
expands in the Org buffer. That is what I wish to find out how.

** Stages
#+NAME: stages   
#+BEGIN_SRC sql :engine postgresql :exports results :results replace
SELECT 1 AS table;

# Local Variables:
# eval: (org-sbe "stages")
# End:

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