* Maxim Nikulin <maniku...@gmail.com> [2020-12-11 17:41]:
> 2020-12-11 Jean Louis wrote:
> > 
> > We have educational business where clients need to be brought to
> > specific references quickly without reading all the book and without
> > opening pages and wasting time. I can tell to staff members to copy 2
> > configuration files (.xpdfrc and script) in their corresponding target
> > directories or to download them there, and run xpdf with specific key
> > as a function where people press a key and describe or annotate the
> > hyperlink.
> Frankly speaking, I have missed you point. I wrote that script evaluating
> feasibility of getting more context for a quote from a PDF file. If you need
> to point non-emacs users to particular place in some PDF file, browsers has
> a button to obtain a link for current view (position, scale). I do not see
> any problem to open local PDF files in browser. I have not checked however
> if format of such links is the same for Firefox and Chrome.

Relying on browser could be option here provided that browser can
invoke extenral script.

But thinking of my group of people, we use free software distributions
as endorsed by FSF we do not have neither Firefox nor Chrome. I do not
use it for freedom reasons

Maybe external groups could be handling it with other browsers, just
thinking. Maybe browsers are much more complicated and not made for
PDF browsing and speed of handling PDF with xpdf may be considerable.

I have not explored browsers for PDF reference captures.

I do like Evince, mupdf, zathura, but I will use any PDF viewer if I
have to capture specific page in specific index in the dynamic
knowledge repository on my computer. It will become possible to hire
even 10-50 people at once worldwide who then capture index items and
report to the database directly. Then I can get quickly indexed
various PDF files at once which in turn help our clients to pass the
crash course faster.

While it is easy to teach people to open single program, press a key,
and insert title, it is harder and time consuming to teach random
people how to use Emacs. This may not be true, it is just my current

> As an even better approach, I consider merging of independently
> stored PDF file and annotations to it and presenting combined file
> with native PDF annotations. Several years ago I have not find tools
> for such operations, maybe new projects have appeared since that
> time.

Evince: click clipboard icon on the top left side, add annotations,
you can save it as independent file.

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