TRS-80 <> writes:

> We are getting further and further afield from Orgmode discussion,
> however I wanted to share the following article with anyone else who
> followed this part of the thread all the way to this point:

Oops. Actually, is related to org-mode in my mind. Mostly as
a reference of implementation of fine-grained links to
web-pages/documents. I wish org-mode links had universal support to
position inside the document the link is pointing to (similar what is
already present in file link to org files, where we can refer to
specific heading inside the referenced file). It would be great if
org-mode extended the link syntax to define position inside the text
file/web-page/video/pdf/etc. Then, packages like org-pdftools would not
need to invent new link types just to be able to refer to specific page
or annotation inside a pdf file.

The relevant feature request is in my todo list.


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