Hi Pietru and all,

> When making a relatively long Org Capture Menu for Archaeological Field 
> Management,
> the relevant capture window cannot be scrolled down.  This becomes 
> particularly
> problematic with small field laptops.

Thanks for reporting.

I just committed a fix along the lines of the similar exporter-UI and
the agenda chooser-UI. Now there is at least C-n, C-p, C-v when the
window is too small for all the items.

Unfortunately these similar UIs are not unified when looking at the code
base. E.g. I could not find a simple way to add key M-v to scroll one
page up for the capture menu.

Possibly these UIs could be unified or Org could even switch to
something different. I think you already discussed some ideas. Sorry if
I did not read the whole thread. That was too much information for me.

Would be great if you could check out the fix.

Thanks and HTH,

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