> Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 10:46 PM
> From: "Marco Wahl" <marcowahls...@gmail.com>
> To: pie...@caramail.com
> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" <emacs-orgmode@gnu.org>
> Subject: Re: Org Capture Menu cannot be fully viewed - Results of testing 
> C-n, C-p, C-v
> > 1. Capture Option Selection
> > ===========================
> >
> > C-n, C-p, C-v work well and one can go through the capture menu easily.
> >
> > Below the capture buffer, I am seeing another buffer that is displaying 
> > events
> > from the mouse (triple-mouse-1, down-mouse 5, ...) and keyboard (down up 
> > up, ...)
> > that ends getting bigger and bigger and bigger.
> >
> > It is the buffer in which the user  enters the option.  It does get
> > bigger than one line, finally taking up most of the frame.  And the
> > user can do nothing about that - that is you cannot drog the mouse
> > to resize it.  Not being able to resize the window can become a very
> > big bother when using org-capture.
> This is hopefully fixed with the latest commit. Also M-v has been added
> to the family of navigation keys.
> > 2. Problem with %^{prompt|default|completion2|completion3...}
> > 3 Default Completion Prompt
> TBH I don't see problems here. But that's just me. Let's see what others
> think.

Problem happens for long completion texts in {PROMPT||||}

When the default is printed as well as the next selection, it creates
a problem.  You can always go through all the options, and I see no need
to continue showing the default when people are moving through the selections.

It is ok to have the default when the selection consist of just one word, but
not when you have longer categorisation sentences.

Archaeological Data Archiving Protocol
Heavy Minerals and Particle Size Analysis
Micromorphology and related Microscopy (SEM Analysis, X-Ray Diffraction)
Thin Section Reference (Polarised Light Microscopy)

> Does Nowayman's hint help?

I had already tackled that problem.  But it is a different problem.

> Best regards,
> --
> Marco

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