Russell Adams <> writes:

> So in summary, why should anyone contribute to exporting our unique
> features to other editors instead of investing that time making Emacs
> better?

You cannot know that such an effort won't also benefit Emacs org mode
users. The greater the user base, the greater the pool of ideas for
enhancing and extending the system. Emacs users and developers don't
have a monopoly on good ideas.

At the end of the day this is about volunteer effort and if someone
wants to volunteer to do something, in general, we should support that
effort (with some caveats of course). If anyone doesn't want to support
it, that is also fine. However, once we start to try and control what or
how people volunteer their time, we venture out into dangerous waters.
At the end of the day, success or failure of an imitative will depend on
whether people use it or not. Most original initiatives never actually
see the light of day and some which do can often have benefits which
were not recognised initially. I prefer to encourage ideas and see what
fruit they will bare rather than discourage them before they begin.

Tim Cross

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