(defvar org-id-locations nil
  "List of files with IDs in those files.")

(defvar org-id-files nil
  "List of files that contain IDs.")

you are in a maze of twisty little passages.

you are in a twisty maze of little passages.

On 1/19/21, doltes <doltes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> aroz...@gmail.com writes:
>> This question is in the context of using Org-id UUIDs for linking between
>> files. If I understand correctly, Org-id knows where to look for UUIDs
>> (generated by org-id-get-create) by looking at the org-id-locations
>> variable. But what if I move an .org file that I've generated a UUID into
>> another folder? I know I can run org-id-update-id-locations, and there's
>> an
>> org-id-extra-files variable, but is there a way to list all the folders
>> on
>> the system where Org-id should look for UUIDs?
>> Thanks,
>> Alan
> After reading the docstring of the function
> =org-id-update-id-locations=, I found that the files which are scanned
> are defined by 6 variables.
> The following was retrieved from the docstring
> #+begin_quote
> This will scan all agenda files, all associated archives, and all
> files currently mentioned in ‘org-id-locations’.
> #+end_quote
> This implies that when that function is executed, the files whose
> content is searched for IDs (i.e. they are scanned) are
> + The files mentioned in =org-agenda-files=.
> + The archives associated to the files in =org-agenda-files=.
> + The files mentioned in =org-id-locations=.
> + The files provided as arguments to the =org-id-update-id-locations=.
> The following are not mentioned in the documentation of
> =org-id-update-id-locations=, but when looking at the source code, you
> can see that the value of the following variables is used
> + =org-id-extra-files=
> + =org-id-files=
> As we could see, the files which are scanned are defined by 6 variables.
> Now, apparently, you want to get a list of the files which are
> scanned. You can do that by executing what
> =org-id-update-id-locations= executes in order to get the list of
> files to scan. The following was retrieved from that function with
> some modifications
> #+begin_src elisp :results output
> (let ((files (delete-dups
>              (mapcar #'file-truename
>                      (append
>                       (org-agenda-files t org-id-search-archives)
>                       (unless (symbolp org-id-extra-files)
>                         org-id-extra-files)
>                       org-id-files)))))
>   (dolist (file files) (princ (format "%s\n" file))))
> #+end_src
> #+begin_example
> /home/username/my/org/Statistics.org
> /home/username/my/org/Programming languages/Elisp.org
> /home/username/my/org/Programming languages/R.org
> #+end_example
> Hope that helps. Let me know if that answers your question.

The Kafka Pandemic

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