This is helpful clarification, thank you. But does that mean that, if I
change the directory where some files with UUIDs are located, there's no
way to programmatically make sure that Org can find those IDs again (since
there's no way to simply add a folder, rather than a list of files, to
=org-id-locations= or  =org-id-files=?


On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 5:42 AM doltes <> wrote:

> Yeah, I also found that confusing. Basically, because both mean the
> same.
> I think that a better description for those variables would be
> + =org-id-locations=: List obtained from `org-id-locations-file'. This
> list maps each ID to the file in which the definition occurs. It
> contains lists of the form (FILE ID).
> + =org-id-files=: List of files which contain ID definitions.

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