On 03/03/2021 00:15, Maxim Nikulin wrote:

There is one issue however. Default option option does not work if after cache clean other command is called, e.g.
- jump using C-u C-c C-j
- clean cache C-u C-u C-u C-c C-w
- try to jump or to refile [C-u] C-c C-w to default offered option
- "user-error: Invalid target location"

I have realized that this issue is rather loosely related to org-refile-use-cache and I have seen it in a worse variant with disabled cache.

file init-refile.el:


 '(org-agenda-files (quote ("~/examples/org/test-notes.org")))
    (("t" "Test" entry
      (file "")
      "* %?\n\n%U\n" :empty-lines 1))))
 '(org-default-notes-file "~/examples/org/capture.org")
 '(org-directory "~/examples/org/")
 '(org-modules (quote (org-refile)))
 '(org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil)
'(org-refile-targets (quote ((nil :maxlevel . 5) (org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 5))))
 '(org-refile-use-outline-path t)

emacs -Q -L ~/src/emacs/org-mode/lisp/ -L ~/src/emacs/org-mode/contrib/lisp/ -l ~/examples/org/init-refile.el ~/examples/org/test-notes.org

- C-u C-c C-j (org-goto) to some heading in the test-notes.org, e.g. "Two" / "Third" / "Theme"
- M-x org-capture RET t to capture some note
- Let's assume that target of previously executed org-goto suits for this note - C-c C-w RET to refile the note from capture.org file to the heading in test-notes.org offered as the default option.

Actual result:
- "Invalid target location"
- Captured note is still in the capture.org file but it is not apparent since capture frame is closed.

Expected result:
- Default option works for refile even if it is remained from org-goto command

Side note. In some cases it not so easy to close capture frame. If org-default-note-file is configured to a file in a non-existing directory then C-c C-k asks to create that directory but does not discards the note.

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