interesting.  that would be great to speed it up.  [i just meant that
the file list used to be correct.]

but it is slow these days.  for me, (benchmark-run 1 (length
(org-refile-get-targets))) is 8s for 5886 targets.

i presume you mean something like that up heading is unnecessary
because you can keep a running olpath as you search.

On 3/4/21, Maxim Nikulin <> wrote:
> On 03/03/2021 09:34, Samuel Wales wrote:
>> until recently in maint, ido and ido hacks with both refile and refile
>> goto [note: org-refile with a goto arg, not org-goto] has worked
>> perfectly.  with no cache.  now, there is an issue, where with no
>> cache that i know of, the first use, or the first use in a long time,
>> will actually present a huge file list that includes crazy elements
>> and is not constrained by even the verify function.
> Concerning performance. After reading your message I have realized that
> it should be really fast to extract several thousand headings from a
> buffer using regexp. However actually it is not so:
> (benchmark-run 10 (and (org-refile-get-targets) nil))
> | 9.868742533999999 | 40 | 2.999932755999996 |
> So preparing the list of refile targets currently takes almost precisely
> 1 second. It is slow. Results are same for org-9.1.6 and
> release_9.4.4-231-gf46925. I am surprised however that 9.1.6 and 9.3.1
> are installed as system packages and have compiled files. I have not
> compiled git version but it works with the same speed.
> (length (org-refile-get-targets))
> : 3220
> Preferences:
>    (require 'org-refile)
>    (setq org-agenda-files '("~/notes/"))
>    (setq org-refile-use-cache nil)
>    (setq org-refile-use-outline-path t)
>    (setq org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil)
>    (setq org-refile-targets '((org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 5)))
> Some lines from profile:
> - org-refile-get-targets                   8414  74%
> ...   - org-get-outline-path               7403  65%
> ...     - org--get-outline-path-1          7286  64%
> ...       - org-up-heading-safe            6328  56%
> There is a room for improvement. Outline paths could be obtained in a
> single pass without backward search. It should speed up building the
> list of targets by 2 or 3 times.
> Though it is unrelated to issues with default option and cache entries
> when both ways to call org-refile are used: directly and through org-goto.

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