On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 3:51 AM Richard Lawrence
<richard.lawre...@uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:


> That said, here is a possible use case for this: suppose you are
> referencing multiple works from a given author and want to avoid
> printing the author's name multiple times, but also want to include a
> further reference to a work by another author:
> e.g. you can write
> Smith claims foo [(cite): -@Smith2019; -@Smith2020; see also @Jones2018].
> to render
> Smith claims foo (2019; 2020; see also Jones 2018).
> Does that help?

Yes; thank you!

You identified the same case Andras and I discussed just above.

I think the solution is simple; with the updated syntax:

[cite/-:@Smith2019;@Smith2020; see also @Jones2018].

So the rule is (and this is for the processor to worry about, of
course, not org), when a suppress-author style is specified, the
suppression only applies to the author of the first citation
item/reference. That would generate the output you noted.

A processor like citeproc.el already knows how to group and sort by
author, so it could also be smart enough to handle that, without
requiring the user to individually mark some for suppression.

I worry we're making the general and simple case needlessly
complicated with the current model and syntax for this.


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