Am 27.04.2021 um 09:36 schrieb Richard Lawrence:
"Bruce D'Arcus" <> writes:

e.g. you can write

Smith claims foo [(cite): -@Smith2019; -@Smith2020; see also @Jones2018].

to render

Smith claims foo (2019; 2020; see also Jones 2018).

You identified the same case Andras and I discussed just above.

I think the solution is simple; with the updated syntax:

[cite/-:@Smith2019;@Smith2020; see also @Jones2018].

So the rule is (and this is for the processor to worry about, of
course, not org), when a suppress-author style is specified, the
suppression only applies to the author of the first citation
item/reference. That would generate the output you noted.

I think I see what you mean after parsing this a few times, but I would
rephrase the rule, since the way you phrased it initially seemed to
contradict the example. The point of my example was that author
suppression should also apply to the author of the *second* reference in
the list, though that happens to be the same author as the author of the
first item. So maybe the rule is more like: "when a suppress-author
style is specified, the suppression only applies to the initial segment
of citation items/references that have the same author as the first

I think Bruce's point was that author suppresion list items other than the first lies in the jurisdiction of the citeproc, and has to be handled depending on citation style. (I.e., user input does /not/ matter here.)

[cite/-:@Smith2019;@Smith2020; see also @Jones2018].

=> Suppress author in the first item, Smith 2019.
=> whether the author's name in the second list item (Smith 2020) is shown depends on the citation style. Some styles repeat the author's name, others won't.

For comparison:

[cite:@Smith2019;@Smith2020; see also @Jones2018]

=> Don't suppress author in the first item, Smith 2019.
=> whether the author's name in the second list item (Smith 2020) is shown depends on the citation style. Some styles repeat the author's name, others won't.


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