It sounds like you use natbib/bibtex (citet/citep are natbib commands I
think). In that case, my current understanding is that these are the
syntaxes for what you want, with the natbib exporter selected.

 [cite:@key]  -> \citep{key}

 [cite/t:@key]  -> \citet{key}

But, if you use the biblatex backend, these map to

 [cite:@key]  -> \autocite{key}

 [cite/t:@key]  -> \textcite{key}

There is not currently a way to get \citet and \citep with the biblatex


Professor John Kitchin (he/him/his)
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Sat, Jul 17, 2021 at 7:41 AM Vikas Rawal <> wrote:

> I have been a long time user of org-ref and am excited to see the
> development of org-cite. Thanks a lot for this, Nicholas and others
> who have been working on this. I have been wanting to give it a spin
> for the last few days and finally got down to doing it.
> I am aware that the documentation is still in the works and therefore
> my apologies in advance if asking these questions is premature. I have
> looked at Nicholas' mails which provide basic documentation and have
> been trying to follow these.
> What is the equivalent here of the various citation commands that
> something like biblatex or bibtex provide? The two most common citation
> commands I use are citet and citep (or parencite). These are used to
> produce the following kind of output using org-ref/biblatex:
> -----
> * citet
> citet:john is an excellent resource.
> will be exported as:
> John (1990) is an excellent resource.
> * citep
> This is an excellent resource citep:john.
> will be exported as
> This is an excellent resource (John, 1990).
> ----
> How does one achieve this using org-cite?
> I am a bit lost with the citation styles that are inbuilt in
> oc-biblatex.el. Is it expected that we will have to write additional
> citation styles for getting these kinds of output?
> Apologies if this is a naive or a premature question.
> Many thanks to everyone.
> Vikas

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