Timothy [2021-08-31 Tue 19:27]  wrote:

> Hi Cassio,
>> Ah! Can’t believe I didn’t try that. Well, at least the docs can
>> benefit from my confusion.
> Would you be interested in making a patch for the docs, or would you rather
> leave that to someone else?

Actually I want to do that. I had an idea to add a node (in org)
"reminding" people that all mentions of regex refer to elisp regex,
which could be different than what people usually know (PCRE) and point
them toward the elisp regex node. I think this point can confuse non
technical people when they are starting to use orgmode and there should
be a mention in the org manual. Most notably are the alternation \|
instead of | and \(...\) grouping instead of (...).


*Daniel Fleischer*

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