>>> "UB" == Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:

> Hi

> In auctex+reftex it is possible that when I insert a new section header
> a reference label is inserted automatically:

> 1. Example
>    \subsection{Inverse problem}
>    \label{sec:one}

> 2. And then using  reftex-reference 
>    I can insert \ref{sec:one}      

> So the equivalent of 1. in org mode would be to automatically insert

> ** Inverse problem
>    :CUSTOM_ID: sec:one
>    :END:

> Can this be done?

> And then what would be the equivalent to 2? It is not org-insert-link,
> as far as I can see.

To answer at least one of my questions:

is the equivalent to reftex-reference.

But I cannot see how to configure org, so that it automatically insert a
section header link.

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