>>> "ESF" == Eric S Fraga <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> writes:

> On Wednesday, 17 Nov 2021 at 16:55, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>>>>> "SN" == Stefan Nobis <stefan...@snobis.de> writes:
>>> As seen in [[*Intro]] there is not much to say.
>> I am not following you. You insert a header as in
>> * Intro
>> Now you want to refer to it with a link

> The point is that the link uses the heading text itself (see the *in the
> link) to automatically find the heading.  No need to put an explicit
> label on the heading.

I am sorry, I still don't get this.
What I want is to insert, as convenient as possible a link to a
I usually use org-ref-helm-insert-ref-link for this. This function
however needs a label of sorts.

So how is your workflow?

Suppose you have 20 headers and subheaders. How to you generate a link
to subheader 6 of header 3 without a link?

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