>>> "SN" == Stefan Nobis <stefan...@snobis.de> writes:
> Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:
>> I am not following you. You insert a header as in 

>> * Intro

>> Now you want to refer to it with a link

>> As we have seen in section ...

>> So what precisely are you typing?

> I type "As we have seen in section [[*Intro]]" (literally, I tend to
> not use any keybindings or function to insert the link). This (the
> "*Intro" inside double square brackets) is called an internal link to
> headlines and they are a default feature of Org:

Yes, but, what do you do, if you have a 10 header and each has 20
subheaders. How do you remember all these names?
Besides your approach is not automatic.

>     https://orgmode.org/manual/Internal-Links.html#Internal-Links

> If you need internal links to headings more often and do not want to
> type the whole heading text manually, you can use functions like this
> (inspired by `worf-goto' and `counsel-outline'; if you do not use
> ivy/swiper/counsel, the code should at least give the basic idea):

> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (defun sn/org-insert-internal-link ()
>   "Use ivy to insert a link to a heading in the current `org-mode' document."
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((settings (cdr (assq major-mode counsel-outline-settings))))
>     (ivy-read "Heading: " (counsel-outline-candidates settings)
>               :action 'sn/org-insert-internal-link-action)))

> (defun sn/org-insert-internal-link-action (x)
>   "Insert link for `sn/worf-insert-internal-link'"
>   (save-excursion
>     (goto-char (cdr x))
>     (call-interactively 'org-store-link))
>   (org-insert-last-stored-link 1)
>   (delete-char -1))
> #+end_src

Thanks but this did not work! 

I copied,  In a separate file:
(require 'counsel)
(require 'worf)

(defun sn/org-insert-internal-link ()
  "Use ivy to insert a link to a heading in the current `org-mode' document."
  (let ((settings (cdr (assq major-mode counsel-outline-settings))))
    (ivy-read "Heading: " (counsel-outline-candidates settings)
              :action 'sn/org-insert-internal-link-action)))

(defun sn/org-insert-internal-link-action (x)
  "Insert link for `sn/worf-insert-internal-link'"
    (goto-char (cdr x))
    (call-interactively 'org-store-link))
  (org-insert-last-stored-link 1)
  (delete-char -1))

When I loaded the file I obtained:

ivy-configure: Keyword argument :init-fn not one of (:initial-input :height 
:occur :update-fn :unwind-fn :index-fn :sort-fn :format-fn 
:display-transformer-fn :more-chars :grep-p :exit-codes)

When I tried to install worf, I obtained 
Compiling file /home/oub/.emacs.d/elpa/worf-20211014.1207/elpa.el at Wed Nov 17 
17:59:27 2021
Entering directory ‘/home/oub/.emacs.d/elpa/worf-20211014.1207/’

Compiling file /home/oub/.emacs.d/elpa/worf-20211014.1207/worf.el at Wed Nov 17 
17:59:27 2021
worf.el:143:1: Error: Keyword argument :init-fn not one of (:initial-input 
:height :occur :update-fn :unwind-fn :index-fn :sort-fn :format-fn 
:display-transformer-fn :more-chars :grep-p :exit-codes)

When I called your first function I obtained
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable counsel-outline-settings)
  (assq major-mode counsel-outline-settings)
  (cdr (assq major-mode counsel-outline-settings))
  (let ((settings (cdr (assq major-mode counsel-outline-settings))))
  (ivy-read "Heading: " (counsel-outline-candidates settings) :action
  call-interactively(sn/org-insert-internal-link record nil)
  command-execute(sn/org-insert-internal-link record)
  execute-extended-command(nil "sn/org-insert-internal-link" "sn/or")
  funcall-interactively(execute-extended-command nil 
"sn/org-insert-internal-link" "sn/or")
  call-interactively(execute-extended-command nil nil)


So something is not right here!


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