Hi Robert,

Robert Nikander writes:

> I see why this is not possible, given the text format of an org file.
> But I am curious if people think it would be useful. This is a bit
> off-topic maybe, but I’m imagining what I would do if I created
> something like org-mode using another underlying format.
> Example: 
> * Top
>   Some text under “Top”
>   ** A level-2 heading 
>     Text under level-2 heading
>   ** Another level-2 heading
>     Text under the second level-2 heading
>   More text under “Top”
>   So if the level-2 headings were collapsed we would still see this.
>   ** Could have more sub-headings here
>   More top level text, etc.

It is an interesting question; however, I would say that this is not a
useful or realistic structure. Regardless of the Org trees/subtrees and
their folding ability (indicating that each thing is at a certain
level), I think that a content will be more useful and intelligible if
it is easy and obvious to extract a table of contents (with headings and
levels) from that content. Let's imagine not we are in Org but writing a
novel on a typewriter. It could be a two-voice novel, with a main
narrator and a "secondary" narrator. The first structure could be:

Part I (Narrator A)
Some text under Part I (Narrator A)
     Chaper 1
     Text under Chapter 1 (Narrator B)
     Chapter 2
     Text under Chapter 2 (Narrator B)
?? More text under Part I (Narrator A)
     More chapters (Narrator B)
?? More Part I text, etc. (Narrator A)

Although we feel that our structure is very clear, our publisher will
probably force us to include some kind of division into the texts marked
with "??". I mean, it's not that easy to escape from the (graphical)
levels, parts and chapters, even if it is by editorial imposition or for
not confuse our readers. We can, for example, call Part II "Interlude",
or add the first text marked with "??" after a graphic separation (some
dashes, for example: ------). Although the literary structure is
complex, its graphical representation always has limits:

Part I (Narrator A)
Some text under Part I (Narrator A)
     Chaper 1
     Text under Chapter 1 (Narrator B <= Narrator A)
     Chapter 2
     Text under Chapter 2 (Narrator B <= Narrator A)
     Division 1 (forced by the publishing house = Part II?)
     More text under Part II (Narrator A)
     More chapters (Narrator B)

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

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