On 24/12/2021 03:27, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
Robert Nikander writes:

I see why this is not possible, given the text format of an org file.
But I am curious if people think it would be useful.

While considered isolated, vim feature "set foldmethod=marker" with explicit open and closed markers ("{{{" and "}}}" by default) is more flexible. There are at least 2 problems with Org: performance penalty and rather reach lightweight markup, so a lot of marker variants are busy already.

Although we feel that our structure is very clear, our publisher will
probably force us to include some kind of division into the texts marked
with "??". I mean, it's not that easy to escape from the (graphical)
levels, parts and chapters, even if it is by editorial imposition or for
not confuse our readers. We can, for example, call Part II "Interlude",
or add the first text marked with "??" after a graphic separation (some
dashes, for example: ------). Although the literary structure is
complex, its graphical representation always has limits:

Text books and magazines may contain insets (side notes), sometimes even page-long ones. They present independent material that may be interesting or useful in particular context or may be just skipped when a reader is concentrated on main material. Such inset may be considered as a heading that is inserted in the middle of another section. It may have larger margins, smaller font, distinct font face, another background color, box around or just rule at some side, so readers have clear notion where it ends and main material continues.

Export filter may solve the problem by treating specially marked headings as continuation of text.

Aside from export, it may be notes interspersed with deeper details (debug logs, etc.) It would be nice to be able to switch between 2 reading modes: all details are collapsed to quickly skim through main steps and conclusions or all details are open (in particular subtree).

Plain list items, #+begin_/#+end_ blocks may be folded, drawers may be expanded but only individually. Besides list items, deeper nested substructure may be a problem, e.g. neither of them may contain headings. Using of such construct is not perfect but mostly bearable.

The following is not a feature request just some thoughts how to achieve convenient reading without heading closing syntax.

In addition to current heading visibility cycle, there may be commands increasing or decreasing "zoom level" for the whole document or for the current subtree. Headings may have a "lense" property that may change zoom level when such section becomes visible (absolute value or relative adjustment in respect to parent, positive or negative). So in response to "zoom in" command some headings are unfolded, some remains collapsed. Visibility effect to some extent is similar to explicit end of subheading.

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