On 03/06/2022 16:45, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

1. org-protecting-blocks is an internal auxiliary variable used to
    determine which blocks should be fontified using different major
    It's value is ("src" "example" "export")
    So, #+begin_src lang and #+begin_export lang are fontified according
    to LANG. Makes sense.
    However, what about #+begin_example?

I have a lot of #+begin_example with language in my notes. In the beginning I accidentally discovered that code is highlighted accordingly to language syntax, so I continued to use this feature for snippets that are not intended to be evaluated. Later it was a bad surprise that export does not preserves highlights. So for me #+begin_example is a shortcut for #+begin_src with :eval never (that can be specified as a property).

From my point of view exporters may reuse code block formatters for examples. It would allow to pass options to e.g. LaTeX verbatim environment: Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez. Re: A question/bug report(?) Wed, 30 Mar 2022 07:14:54 +0200 https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/CAO48Bk_dJs1=5zgpczwodatsrqyrskq1alj6wpaxcc4bdjw...@mail.gmail.com/

2. org-script-display is an internal auxiliary variable used to display
    sub/superscripts. Note that it's default value holds 4 possibilities.
    Two for each type of script. For example, for superscripts we have
    two options:
    ((raise 0.3) (height 0.7)) and ((raise 0.5))
    The first one looks more compact (does not change the line height)

Notice that subscript still increases inter-line space a bit.

    However, it currently uses x1.5 line height for tables creating empty
    space between vertical | separators. It looks like a typo for me. It
    would make more sense to make table lines compact, not vice versa. Am
    I missing something?

git blame gives 0618aeafb39dbf78e753348eaeaddbb7f8104cd0
It seems smaller font breaks horizontal alignment in tables.

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