> As for lang parameter support in example blocks, would you mind creating
> a separate feature request thread? Extending export blocks export will
> require changing in parser syntax and thus should be discussed carefully
> in a separate thread.

I would strongly caution against allowing an optional #+begin_example lang
syntax. It will lead to extreme confusion, even when users know to use org-lint.
The reason for this is that example blocks do not have (and frankly should not
have) full org-babel support. Babel is already complex enough as is without
having to explain to a user that yes they can noweb an example block into
a src block, but that they cannot noweb a source block into an example block.

One of the most powerful features of src blocks is that they can go from being
dumb examples all the way up to fully executable programs. Example blocks
cannot do that, and adding features that overlap with code blocks is inviting
duplicated effort and will confuse and frustrate users if they have
the misfortune
to start with an example block an then have to change mid way through to a
code block.

I also think that adding a parameter #+begin_example :lang bash to example
blocks will also lead to confusion because now there are two different ways
to specify what lang a block is. To me the answer should be to just use source
blocks if you need highlighting, example blocks should not highlight at all in
order to make the distinction clear.


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