Tim Cross <theophil...@gmail.com> writes:

>> I suspect that the real reason is lack of experience with CSS and JS.
>> Also, we don't really want a high entry barrier for contributors (but
>> then, again, we haven't had many contributors to WORG html side over the
>> years anyway, AFAIK).
> I actually think a basic framework, such as Bulma or Tailwind, would
> lower the barrier. CSS is possibly the most challenging part of doing
> decent web pages - especially if you want responsive pages which work
> well on large and small screens and with respect to accessibility. 
> ....
> These frameworks are easy to learn - far easier than learning CSS.
> Anyone who knows CSS will have no problem using them and anyone who
> doesn't will find using the framework much easier than having to learn
> 'raw' CSS, which has some pretty narly dark corners which take
> considerable effort to master. 

Then, it sounds like a good path forward.

>> AFAIK, worg is very simple. We just rely on ox-html to produce output
>> and then publish a static website. That's it.
> The thing about a static web site is that it needs good navigation to
> make it useable and easy to explore (which I think is critical with
> something like worg). To achieve that, there needs to be some
> 'knowledge' about the pages and their relationship to each other - it
> isn't quite as simple as just having a lot of static pages on a server. 

Agree. WORG navigation is not ideal (to say the least).
Note that we can leverage index functionality of ox-publish. See

Also, you may find https://github.com/oyvindstegard/ox-tagfilter-js

> First step is to get a working local copy so that I have something to
> work with. AFter that and a bit of exploring, I should have a better
> understanding and idea how to go forward. 

Last time I tried to achive this, I had to tweak the css paths a bit,
edited paths in publish scirpt, and got everything working locally.
(without running server)


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