Samuel Wales <> writes:

> on this page, i cannot read the rhs of paragraphs near the top because
> the menu and up home elements obscure the text.
> .
> i use very large fonts.  i have latest esr firefox maximized to the
> large monitor.  an even larger monitor is not an option.
> this is probably a minor issue for me as i can probably use ublock to
> completely remove those elements.  of course that would mean not
> having those elements but that is ok if there is a table of contents
> in teh text.  i think there is not though.  also, o that particular
> patge i can scroll, read paragraph, scroll again.  so i am just
> reporting so that the issue is known.  i blieve i mentioned it yers
> ago but idk if it got notated.

Something worth pointing out in case you were not aware of it is that
the worg pages are defined with alternative stylesheets. Unfortunately,
alternative stylesheet support is not well supported by browsers.
However, firefox is one that does support them and as you are a firefox
users, you may be in luck. 

>From the 'view' menu, you can select the "Page style" option, which will
let you select from 1 of three provided styles - default, zenburn and

In your case, you will likely find the classic style easier to work with
as the fonts can be scaled without some content obscuring other (it
doens't use the Z index to keep things 'on top'). 

Note that I am working on improving the look of worg and all of this
will likely change. However, it turns out it isn't as simple as a few
patches. There is quite a bit of work required to get things 'up to
spec', especially with respect to accessibility and responsiveness for
multiple screen sizes. 

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