Max Nikulin <> writes:

> On 30/06/2022 16:06, Tim Cross wrote:
>>> Aren't they currently available? I can and I was always able to get the
>>> org sources by changing the link from .html to .org.
>> No, that doesn't work for me using either chrome or firefox. Chrome just
>> keeps switching back to the HTML url and firefox just hangs, returning
>> nothing. Bastien has sent me the nginx config being used, but I've not
>> yet had a look at it.
> It is rather strange
> curl -I ''
> ...
> Content-Type: application/octet-stream
> browsers should offer "save as" dialog in such case. It is possible to add
> Content-Disposition header to force "save" prompt, but I am unsure if it the
> best option. I would prefer some desktop-wide MIME handler, but there is not
> specific type for org. text/plain will be likely handled by browsers 
> internally.
> Unsure if something like "text/x-org" is better since anyway custom
> configuration will be required.
> Tim, did you face the problem with some particular file? Browsers might try to
> guess real MIME type from file content. If the problem is reproducible, you 
> may
> experiment with "no sniff" header.

There are 2 issues as I see it.

1. Just using the .org as the suffix of the url instead of the .html did
not work for me using two different browser. However, it did work for
ihor, so either I did something wrong or there is something in my setup
which is preventing that from working. Need to investigate further.
However, that is not my main issue.

My main issue is that having to know you can change the suffix from
.html to .org in order to get the source is insufficient. It won't be
obvious to many users and will only make some sense to experienced org
users. I think the link should be obvious and I think the server
configuration should be set so that accessing the .org url gives a
sensible result (i.e. prefer opening it as plain text to offering to

My aim is to fix this, but I've not yet had time to even look at it. I
do have the server config file, so am able to review that and will sort
this out once time permits.

One of the changes I have started to implement is to standardise the
<head></head> and the page header/footer sections to make them
consistent across the worg site and get consistency with internal URLs
(some a relative, some are absolute), some have hard coded values, other
use site wide variables etc.

The initial aim is to make the site consistent and the build process
server independent. Ideally, anyone will be able to clone the repo, set
a document root and run the build process to create a fully working
local worg site. Little in this first stage is terribly contentious. 

Once this is done, the second stage is to work on improving the default
style and make the worg content easy to discover/browse. There is likely
to be varied opinions here and my intention will be to create a dev or
uat site where interested uses can have a look and provide
feedback/suggestions (as well as test). 

While I have made some progress, time is a little scarce at present and
I'll only have a few hours each weekend for the next few weeks to work
on this. However, I'm hoping some other commitments will scale down soon
and I'll have more time to devote to this task. It is quite rewarding,
just time consuming at present as I nail down all the moving parts!

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