Max Nikulin <> writes:

> On 01/07/2022 04:48, Tim Cross wrote:
>> 1. Just using the .org as the suffix of the url instead of the .html did
>> not work for me using two different browser. However, it did work for
>> ihor, so either I did something wrong or there is something in my setup
>> which is preventing that from working. Need to investigate further.
>> However, that is not my main issue.
> Tim, have you managed to achieve any progress with either nginx or with 
> settings of your
> browsers?
> I have tried some variants of desktop environments with almost default 
> setting without
> issues similar to yours.
> Org files are fetched to the Downloads folder without additional user actions 
> (besides
> Firefox-91). It is not always obvious at first glance. With default settings:
> - Chromium displays a bar at the bottom of the window.
> - Firefox-102 (Ubuntu and Gnome, Arch and KDE) opens transient popup window. 
> In
>   Ububntu-22.04 firefox and chromium are installed as snap packages.
> - Firefox-91 (Debian, Xfce) displays more traditional popup window to confirm 
> download
>   (somehow it guesses that it is an org-mode file even for 
> application/octet-stream
>  MIME-type).
> If I change MIME type then Chromium displays internally both text/plain and 
> text/x-org,
> Firefox asks for an external application for text/x-org while text/plain is 
> displayed in
> the browser tab.
> The following snippet should be added to nginx configuration to assign MIME 
> type for .org
> files:
> types {
>         # Chromium opens text/x-org in the browser tab,
>         # Firefox downloads files and offers to open in some other 
> application.
>         # text/x-org      org;
>         text/plain      org;
> }
> See
> It is assumed that default mime.types is included somewhere.

Yes, I do have it working in my local dev environment. I have also made
some progress with improvements with both the nginx and worg layout, but
it isn't ready for 'prime time' yet. My testing with different browsers
did show variation across browsers and this is something I would like to
avoid. I also have come to a similar conclusion to you and think it is
about setting a mime handler for org files in nginx.  

Unfortunately, during this whole process, I had a major hardware failure
and have had to re-build my whole system. One of the things I did have
on my TODO list was to migrate from using Ubuntu to Fedora and while I
was going to do that later, given that I had to restore from backups
onto a new system, I decided to make the switch now.

While immensely happy with Fedora and pleased to be free of some of the
stuff I didn't like with current Ubuntu, it has been 20 years since I've
run a RH based distro, so there has been some learning curve to deal
with which has slowed down my progress with worg (especially getting up
to speed with SELinux, dnf and flatpak). However, it is progressing and
I hope to have something for everyone to look at sooner rather than

I have now become a member of the SourceHut community and I think it
should be possible to deploy a dev/uat version of the new worg site to
their pages site. This should provide a relatively easy way for everyone
who is interested to have a look at the changes I'm making. I'm also
hoping this will also provide a workable 'dev' site for the main worg
repository so that anyone with the correct permissions can make changes,
deploy to the dev site to verify nothing is broken and then push it to
the production site. My hope is this will make people more relaxed and
confident in contributing while also ensuring a good user experience for
worg users. I still have a bit of work to do getting to grips wiht the
sh tools and understanding how they can help. There is definitely some
good stuff here, but there are still some rough edges you have to work
with and some different concepts/approaches I'm not yet familiar with. 

The good news is that I think all the necessary prerequisite stuff is
now working well and I can focus on the specifics of worg and the
various moving parts which make up!

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