Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> writes:

> […]  By default, unlike ordinary src blocks, inline src blocks are
> only exported as results - code is not exported, only the result is
> exported.  […]  Further, because Org is not always able to evaluate
> src blocks (when the relevant ob-*.el is not loaded), inline src
> blocks can sometimes be exported as code.

Dear Ihor,

Thank you for taking the time with your reply.

Oh, my!  I expected the exact opposite default for *inline* source,
namely show code and hide results.  But then, I noticed that these
"inline" elements do not work in tables, so I cannot use them to
syntax-highlight a table of LaTeX commands anyway.  Bummer!

So then, when should we use these "inline blocks" in Org?  I expected
them to provide inline (nicely rendered) code anywhere, including in the
tables, like LaTeX provides in-line (nicely rendered) math everywhere.

(I also keep wondering why the feature uses a "special" syntax with
underscores when everything else in Org uses dashes.)

P.S. I also experimented with the src_shell some more:

With #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :exports both, src_shell{ls} exports as
"ls".  I did not expect that.  Note that I executed a normal BEGIN_SRC
"shell" block seconds before, so Emacs must have loaded the relevant
Lisp code.  I then started 'emacs -Q' and tried again.  This time,Org
exported 'src' followed by a subscript 'shell'.

Completely and utterly confused,

"I love deadlines.  I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by."
-- Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt, 2002

Rudolf Adamkovič <salu...@me.com> [he/him]
Studenohorská 25
84103 Bratislava

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