Hi Ihor,

Two comments on this:

> The inline src block defaults should probably be documented. See
> <https://orgmode.org/list/87ee927emf.fsf@localhost>
> Patches are welcome.

I think it would also be nice if one could set inline header args with
`#+properties' and `:PROPERTIES:' in the same manner as block header args.

> The confusing behavior about exporting results for code blocks when the
> corresponding ob-*.el is not loaded is trickier. We had a related
> discussion on this topic in
> <https://orgmode.org/list/87mtknsdhm.fsf@localhost>
> Though I am not sure how we can improve the situation. Ideas are
> welcome.

One of the nice things Doom does with Org is add lazy-auto-loading of ob-*
backends. I’ve been poking Henrik for a while to upstream this (and a bunch of
other things) to Org, and am tentatively hopeful it will happen some time this

All the best,

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